how to sew a crazy quilt block

how to sew a crazy quilt block

By Hatun Comak Monday, October 22, 2018

Life is hectic and I could hardly find time to sew this week. It is a pity to me but still I was able to give a try to those little cute crazy quilt blocks. It took ten minutes to finish the crazy quilt block, which is 2.5"x2.5". And it was quite proper to turn it into a pincushion. I've made several other pincushions but I can 't use them because my kids took them as toys and do not give them back. One was a turtle pincushion and quickly became favourite of my 5-year-old son. The other was a hexie pincushion and it became my 10 year old daughter's barbie doll's cushion. Alas! I hope this crazy quilt block pincushion will be mine.
You can use these super cool quilt blocks for various things, like quilts, cushions, wall hanging or a pincushion as I did.

Here I also would like to share crazy quilt block tutorial with you. It is easy, quick to make and totally scrap friendly.

1- Prepare your materials
Crazy quilt blocks are perfect to use your scraps, so bring a variety of your scraps together. You can use any kind of fabric, but for a beginner, cotton fabric will do great work since it is the easiest to deal with.

2- Trim the center piece
The chief idea of crazy quilt block is that it is off-kilter and crazy. So you wouldn't like to start with a square. Use your ruler and cut some angles with your rotary cutter. A shape with five sides is good.

3-Start adding pieces
Start by adding pieces around the center piece, but I prefer to take scraps in different size rather than strips.

Do not forget to trim as you go to have straight edges. This will help you go on adding pieces easily. Always finger press before you add the next piece of scrap. You should get a wonky look.

4- Finish the block
You stop when you reach the size you would like to get. Here I planned to make a pincushion, so I used tiny scraps and got a 2.5"x2.5" square in the end. If you are planning to make something bigger, you should work with larger pieces than I use and sew till you get the right size. When you finish sewing, you trim the edges to a square. I sewed around strips before making the pincushion.

What I like about this block is the randomness of the seams.
With this crazy quilt block, you not only use up your scraps but also make a perfect quilt block. Now tell me, how does it look?

Hatun Çomak

I'm Hatun from Turkiye. I love quilting and patchwork and this is my patchworld. I share my projects, process, patterns and tutorials here in my blog. .