Clamshell quilts have long been in my quilts-to-do list. They all look gorgeous with many variations. Finally I had the time to start mine with a traditional one. When I searched through internet, I encountered various ways, methods of doing clamshell quilts. Seeing various methods, I chose the one way that I found easiest and then prepared my tutorial which seemed the most practical to me. If you are also planning to give a try, why don't you start from here then? And I'd like to know if you've found it useful or not?
How to make a clamshell quilt
- For clamshell quilt templates, you can prepare your own or use a ready made free clamshell quilt template. I printed out the template reducing its size 50% so it becomes 2". You can reduce or enlarge it according to your desire.
- Cut the fabric 1/4 inch larger than the paper template.
- Place the template on the wrong side of th e fabric.
- Baste the top curved edge, using long basting stitch. Or you can just use fabric glue instead of basting. Here I preferred basting.
- Press the edge over with iron. Make sure that there are no points on the curve. After ironing and giving the round shape, remove the template.
- When you have prepared the clamshells, it is time to put them together.
- There are various methods you can use, here I preferred applique method to put the clamshells together. Applique the top curve into place on the foundation fabric. With the applique method, stitch a row at a time.
- The next row will lay on top of the bottom curve of the row above.
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