Hello, everybody. Today's project is making hunter's star quilt in a super easy way.The original hunter's star quilt was designed with diamond shapes but now we are able to create the same look with half square triangle units and square patches.
Hunter's star quilt may seem confusing due to its layout. Each quilt block is actually a combination of four different patchwork sections which are rotated and then joined for a larger quilt block. When the blocks are sewn together, a secondary design emerges.
This is the first time I made a hunter's star quilt and I pretty liked it.I also prepared a tutorial for those who would also like to make one. In this tutorial, I have tried to make it as simple as possible with easy-to-follow steps and clear instructions. I hope you make use of it and enjoy it.
I used two fabrics for this hunter's star quilt pattern; one is dark and one is light. With the use of two fabrics it will be less confusing.
Here we go!
The image above shows the process of making the hunter's star quilt pattern. You can use it as a guide, as well. We start with making the individual units for the hunter's star quilt.
First of all, we need to prepare the half-square triangle units (HSTs). There are some other ways of making HSTs, but in this way you can get eight HSTs at a time. So it is a practical way of making HSTs.
Cut 7 3/4 by 7 3/4 inch dark squares.
- Take a light fabric and mark it, using any kind of marker that don't bleed into fabric. The image below will help you undersrand how to mark the fabric.

- Now it is time to sew the hunter's star quilt. Take four HSTs. Arrange them into two rows as in the image below. Check the angles.
Sew the units in each row together and press the seam allowances. Join the two rows and press either direction. The joined HSTs should measure 6 1/2"×6 1/2"
Cut a 6 1/2" light square and sew it to the right side of the HST patchwork. Press seam allowances towards the plain square.
- For the second piece of patchwork unit, arrange the units as shown in Figure 2 or the image below. Sew the units together. Join the rows and press the seam allowances. Again it should measure 6 1/2"×6 1/2".
Sew a matching 6 1/2" dark square to the left side of the patchwork. Press seam allowances towards tbe plain square

Join the two patchwork patterns together (Figure 3). Press seams. The new block should measure 12 1/2" × 12 1/2"
The last step is to combine the hunter's star patchwork. Gather four of the 12 1/2" × 12 1/2" square blocks and arrange them into two rows as shown in Figure 4.
Sew the two blocks in each row. Press seam allowances. Join the two rows and press the seam allowances. The large quilt block meaures 24 1/2 inches square.
Hunter's star quilt pattern is finished. When more of the blocks are combined, it looks gorgeous. Depending on what you plan to make with hunterr's star quilt, you may need to make many of the blocks. Whatever you make of it, enjoy the process!